About Us

Mission Statement

Our mission is to publish children’s books that EDUCATE, EMPOWER, and INSPIRE excellence, while elevating traditionally underrepresented voices by helping them to produce high-quality, impactful, and aesthetically pleasing books that resonate with their intended audiences.

About Us

The following two stories offer a glimpse into who we truly are at our core, and they trace our founders journey from a doting father looking for a good children’s book about a valedictorian,  to becoming a trajectory changing children’s book author about a valedictorian, and owner of LodgeWell Publishing.

Immerse yourself, and explore these stories with us through the illustrated stories below.

The Valedictorian Story


I can vividly recall hearing the word valedictorian for the first time. I was in the auditorium for graduation rehearsal when my principal who was on stage said,   “ I would like to introduce the valedictorian of this years graduating class. ”  I was in the audience like…Val-a- WHAT?! 
That was the very first time I even heard the word,  and deep down inside that made me feel some type of way. Mainly because I know I had the potential to become the valedictorian had I known about it early enough.  It’s a little difficult to strive to be the valedictorian,  or to become the valedictorian if you don’t know that it exists. 
Even though that experience is what planted the LodgeWell Publishing seed within me,  that seed sat dormant for almost twenty years. I graduated from high school, then college, got married, and was blessed with four amazing children. I became laser focused on their development, and mastering my role as their learning coach. With research, patience and consistency, I was able to teach them all to read simple baby books from the library by the age of three. By the time they were five and starting kindergarten, they were all reading at between a 2nd to 4th grade reading level. 

Book Tornado

So for several years I was up to my ears in picture books. Reading multiple picture books to my multiple children, and having my multiple children read multiple picture books to me, multiple times per day. I became well-versed in story arcs, character development, story pace, as well as artwork placement and direction.

Best Decision Ever

Because of my experience of learning what the valedictorian was too late,  I wanted to ensure that my daughters knew what a valedictorian was from the very beginning of their educational journey.  Not saying that they have to be the valedictorian in order to be successful, but if it is an attainable goal,  I wanted to make sure that they 1. know what a valedictorian is,  2. be inspired to strive for academic excellence; and 3. have a blueprint with practical steps to reach their new lofty goal. 
So I looked high and low for children’s book that could do all of those things.  When I couldn’t find one,  I realized that I had an opportunity.  I decided right there and then that I was going to write it!  Not only that,  I also decided that I was going to use my daughters as the strong, positive, female characters to not only inspire them… but to also inspire the whole world. So, in an attempt to write a few things into existence, I wrote VALEDICTORIAN
Empowering, and inspiring my girls to strive for academic excellence, while empowering and inspiring readers world wide. It was by far one of the best decisions I ever made!

The Story of Lodgewell Publishing

Self Publishing... A No-Brainer

When I finished editing my manuscript and organizing my illustrations for VALEDICTORIAN, I immediately knew that I had something special. This trajectory-changing children’s book not only empowers students by explaining what a valedictorian is as early as possible, but it also inspires them to strive for academic excellence. 
Determined to find the absolute best publishing route for my book and I, I put my head down and did the research.  I read, studied,  and observed everything that I could regarding publishing.  It quickly became crystal clear to me that self-publishing was going to be my path to success. I realized that self-publishing would allow me to invest in myself, keep 100% of my book’s rights and royalties, maintain 100% control over my project, and maximize my profit. 

If You Want Something Done Right,

Sometimes You Gotta Do It Yourself !

Excited to embark on this journey, I carefully selected a self publishing company that was affordable for me, and that offered the most comprehensive service. I was eager to start, I was eager to learn, and I was eager to bring my book to fruition. Unfortunately though, I started to see that my definition of a high-quality, professionally published, and highly marketable book was not the same as their definition. So I decided that I would eat the loss, and cut ties with them.  More importantly, I also decided that I would equip myself with all the necessary knowledge and information to do it for myself… the right way.

I Got This!!!

I devoted myself to unraveling the complexities of the publishing process. I immersed myself in the latest books on self-publishing, I sought wisdom from well established editors, publishers, printers, and college professors; and even took innovative self-publishing courses. Failure was not an option – You only get one chance to publish your first book, and I was determined to get it right.

Gifting My Creation To The World

Finally, in May of 2017, VALEDICTORIAN was published! Officially transforming my life experience into an unforgettable story, and using it to create a ripple effect of empowerment and inspiration that can change the world. If you have an impactful lesson that you’ve learned and benefited from, that you would love to share with young readers worldwide, we're here to help. LodgeWell Publishing can help you identify the perennial best seller within you, bring it into fruition, and help you EMPOWER, EDUCATE, and INSPIRE our youth to strive for excellence… Just like VALEDICTORIAN.

Empower ,

Educate , &

Inspire With Your Story!

Do you have a powerful book idea that aligns with our ideals and needs to be conceptualized and flushed out?

Have you written a children’s book that EDUCATE, EMPOWER, and INSPIRE our youth to strive for excellence; and would like to pitch us your book?